Arm® Cortex®-M23 without TrustZone®
Arm® Cortex®-M23 processor, running up to 48 MHz when VDD = 1.75V ~ 5.5V
Built-in PMSAv8 Memory Protection Unit (MPU)
Built-in Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)
32-bit Single-cycle hardware multiplier and 32-bit 17-cycle hardware divider
24-bit system tick timer
Supports Programmble and maskable interrupt
Supports Low Power Sleep mode by WFI and WFE instructions
Supports single cycle I/O access
Supports XOM feature with 1 region
Low power mode and current
Low Power mode:
– Idle mode
Power-down mode (PD)
– Fast Wake-up Power-down mode (FWPD)
– Deep Power-down mode (DPD)
Wake-up source and wakeup time
EINT, Touch key, USCI, RTC, WDT, I2C, Timer, UART, BOD, LVR, POR, GPIO, USBD, ACMP, Debug interface, NMI and Reset pin from Power-down mode or Fast Wake-up Power-down mode
RTC, Wake-up Timer, LVR, Wake-up pins, from Deep Power-down mode
Power supply and low voltage detect
Built-in LDO for wide operating voltage from 1.75V to 5.5V
Core power voltage: 1.5V
Brown-out detector
– With 7 levels: 4.4V/3.7V/3.0V/2.7V/2.4V/2.0V/1.8V
– Supports Brown-out Interrupt and Reset option
Low Voltage Reset
– Threshold voltage levels: 1.55V
Cyclic Redundancy Calculation Unit
Supports four common polynomials CRC-CCITT, CRC-8, CRC-16, and CRC-32
Programmable order reverse setting for input data and CRC checksum
Programmable 1’s complement setting for input data and CRC
Supports 8-/16-/32-bit of data width
Programmable seed value
8-bit write mode: 1-AHB clock cycle operation
16-bit write mode: 2-AHB clock cycle operation
32-bit write mode: 4-AHB clock cycle operation
Supports using PDMA to write data to perform CRC operation
96-bit Unique ID (UID)
128-bit Unique Customer ID (UCID)
AES-128, 192, 256
Up to 256 KB application ROM (APROM)
4 KB Flash for user program loader (LDROM)
Up to 48 MHz with zero wait state for consecutive address read access
12 bytes User Configuration Block to control system initiation.
512B page erase for all embedded Flash
32-bit and multi-word Flash programming function.
Supports In-System-Programming (ISP), In-Application-Programming (IAP) update embedded Flash memory
Supports CRC-32 checksum calculation function
Supports Flash all one verification function (hardware can check page erase verify)
Hardware external read protection of whole Flash memory by Security Lock Bit
Supports XOM feature with 1 region
Up to 32 KB embedded SRAM
Supports byte-, half-word- and word-access
Supports PDMA mode
Peripheral DMA (PDMA)
Up to 8 independent configurable channels for automatic data transfer between memories and peripherals
Channel 0, 1 support time-out function
Basic and Scatter-Gather Transfer modes
Each channel supports circular buffer management using Scatter-Gather Transfer mode
Two types of priorities modes: Fixed-priority and Round-robin modes
Transfer data width of 8, 16, and 32 bits
Single and burst transfer type
Source and destination address can be increment or fixed
PDMA transfer count up to 65536
Request source can be form software, SPI/I2S, I2C, UART, USCI, EADC, DACand TIMER
Clock Source
Built-in 4.032 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator (MIRC) for system operation
Built-in 48 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator (HIRC) for system operation
Built-in 38.4 kHz internal low speed RC oscillator (LIRC) for Watchdog Timer and wake-up operation.
Built-in 4~32 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT) for precise timing operation
Built-in 32.768 kHz external low speed crystal oscillator (LXT) for RTC function and low-power system operation
Supports clock on-the-fly switch
Supports clock failure detection for high/low speed external crystal oscillator
HXT clock frequency accuracy detector
Supports exception (NMI) generated once a clock failure detected
Supports divided clock output
32-bit Timer
TIMER mode
4 sets of 32-bit timers with 24-bit up counters and 8-bit prescale counters
Independent clock source for each timer
One-shot, Periodic, Toggle and Continuous Counting operation modes
Event counting function to count the event from external pin
Input capture function to capture or reset counter value
External capture pin event for interval measurement.
External capture pin event to reset 24-bit up counter.
Chip wake-up from Idle/Power-down mode if a timer interrupt signal is generated
Timer interrupt flag or external capture interrupt flag to trigger BPWM, EADC, DAC and PDMA.
Internal capture triggered source from ACMP output.
Inter-Timer trigger capture mode
PWM mode
16-bit compare register and period register
Double buffer for period register and compare register
Supports inverse in PWM output
PWM interrupt wake-up from system Power-down mode
Each module provides 6 output channels
Supports independent mode for BPWM output/Capture input channel
Supports 12-bit prescaler from 1 to 4096
Supports 16-bit resolution BPWM counter, each module provides 1 BPWM counter
– Up, down or up/down counter operation type
Supports mask function and tri-state enable for each BPWM pin
Supports interrupt on the following events:
– BPWM counter match 0, period value or compared value
Supports trigger ADC on the following events:
– BPWM counter match 0, period value or compared value
Capture Function Features
– Up to 12 capture input channels with 16-bit resolution
– Supports rising or falling capture condition
– Supports input rising/falling capture interrupt
– Supports rising/falling capture with counter reload option
20-bit free running up counter for WDT time-out interval
Clock sources from LIRC (default), HCLK/2048 or LXT
9 selectable time-out period from 488us ~ 32 sec
Able to wake up from Power-down or Idle mode
Interrupt or reset selectable on watchdog time-out
Selectable WDT reset delay period, including 1026, 130, 18 or 3 WDT_CLK reset delay period
Force WDT enabled after chip power on or reset.
WDT time-out wake-up function only if WDT clock source is selected as LIRC or LXT
Window Watchdog
Clock sources from HCLK/2048 (default) or LIRC
Window set by 6-bit down counter with 11-bit prescaler
WWDT counter suspends in Idle/Power-down mode
Supports Interrupt
Supports external power pin VBAT
Software compensation by setting frequency compensate register (FCR),compensated clock accuracy reaches ±5ppm within 5 seconds
RTC counter (second, minute, hour) and calendar counter (day, month, year)
Alarm registers (second, minute, hour, day, month, year)
Selectable 12-hour or 24-hour mode
Automatic leap year recognition
Day of the Week counter
Daylight Saving Time software control
Periodic time tick interrupt with 8 period options 1/128, 1/64, 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 or 1 second
1 Hz clock output for RTC calibration
Wake-up from idle mode and Power-down mode
32 kHz oscillator gain control
RTC Time Tick and Alarm Match interrupt
Analog Interfaces
Conversion results held in up to 7 data registers with valid and overrun indicators.
Analog input voltage: 0~VREF (Max to AVDD).
Reference voltage from VREF pin, AVDD or internal VREF
12-bit resolution and 10-bit accuracy guaranteed
Up to 16 single-end analog external input channels
Supports 3 internal channels:
– Band-gap VBG output or Internal voltage reference
– Temperature sensor input
– VBAT voltage measure (VBAT/4)
Four ADC interrupts (ADINT0~3) with individual interrupt vector addresses.
ADC clock frequency up to 16 MHz.
Up to 730 KSPS conversion rate.
Configurable ADC internal sampling time
Up to 7 sample modules
– Each of sample module 0~3 is configurable for ADC converter
– EADC_CH0~15 and trigger source.
– Configurable PDMA
– Configured resolution for 12-bit or 16-bit result
– Supports Left-adjusted result
– Averaging and oversampling (2n times, n=0~8) to support up to 16-bit result
– Sample module 16~18 is fixed for ADC channel 16, 17, 18 input sources as band-gap voltage, temperature sensor, and battery power (VBAT/4).
– Configurable sampling time for each sample module.
– Conversion results held in 19 data registers with valid and overrun indicators.
Supports digital comparator to monitor conversion result that can be under or over the compare register setting
Generate an interrupt when conversion result matches the compare register setting.
Internal reference voltage source:
– 1.536V, 2.048V, 2.560V, 3.072V, or 4.096V
An A/D conversion can be started by:
– Write 1 to SWTRGn (EADC_SWTRG[n], n = 0~18)
– External pin EADC0_ST
– Timer0~3 overflow pulse triggers
– ADINT0/1 interrupt EOC (End of conversion) pulse triggers
– BPWM triggers
Supports PDMA transfer
Auto turn on/off ADC power at power down or operation mode with wait state
Up to two 12-bit 1 MSPS voltage type DAC
Analog output voltage: 0~VREF (AVDD)
Supports 8-bit and 12-bit mode
Rail to rail settle time 6us
Reference voltage selects from internal reference voltage, AVDD or VREF pin
Max. output voltage AVDD -0.2V at buffer mode
Conversion started by software enable, Timer interrupt flag(TIF) or PDMA trigger
Voltage output buffer mode and bypass voltage output buffer mode
Supports PDMA mode
Analog Comparator (ACMP)
Up to two rail-to-rail analog comparators
4 multiplexed I/O pins at positive node
Negative node:
– One I/O pin
– Band-gap (VBG)
– DAC0 output
– Comparator Reference Voltage (CRV)
Programmable propagation speed and low power consumption
Interrupts generated when compare results change (Interrupt event condition programmable)
Supports Power-down Wake-up
Supports triggers for break events and cycle-by-cycle control for PWM
Supports window compare mode and window latch mode
Supports programmable hysteresis window:
– 0 mV, 10 mV, 20 mV or 30 mV
Internal Reference Voltage
Internal reference voltage select: 1.536V, 2.048V, 2.560V, 3.072V, 4.096V for EADC, DAC and CRV (comparator reference voltage) reference voltage
Capactitive Touch
Supports up to 24 touch keys.
Supports flexible reference channel setting, at least 1 reference channel needed.
Programmable sensitivity levels for each channel
Programmable scanning speed for different applications.
Supports any touch key wake-up for low-power applications.
Supports single key-scan and programmable periodic key-scan.
Programmable interrupt options for key-scan complete with or without threshold control.
Supports independent reference capacitor bank (RefCB) registers for each channels
Supports Timer0~3 time-out interrupt signal(TIF) to trigger touch key scan
Com/Seg LCD
Supports the following COM/SEG configurations:
– Up to 352 dots (8-COM x 44-SEG)
– Up to 276 dots (6-COM x 46-SEG)
– Up to 192 dots (4-COM x 48-SEG)
Supports maximum 8 COM driving pins, multiplexed with GPIO pins
Supports maximum 48 SEG driving pins, multiplexed with GPIO pins
Supports 3 bias voltage levels 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4
Supports 8 duty ratios 1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, 1/7, and 1/8
Supports clock frequency divider from 0 to 1023 to configure the LCD operating frequency
Configurable frame counting event interrupt period
Supports LCD blinking display controlled by frame counting event
Supports LCD frame end interrupt
LCD keeps display or blinking even if in Power-down mode when LCD clock source is selected as LIRC or LXT
Supports both type A and type B driving waveforms
Programmable Charge Pump output voltage VLCD from 3.0V ~ 5.2V
Selectable VLCD source from Charge Pump output or external pin
Programmable buffer enable selection to enhance COM and SEG driving capability
With internal resistive series network to generate reference voltage for COM and SEG voltage
With big resistor series network to save power and small resistor series network to drive COM and SEG directly by software selection.
LCD panel loading detect feature
Communication Interfaces
Supports up to 4 UARTs: UART0, UART1, UART2 and UART3
UART baud rate clock from LXT(32.768 kHz) with 9600bps in Power-down mode
Baud rate up to 10 Mbps
Full-duplex asynchronous communications
Supports one-wire half-duplex communications
Separates receive and transmit 16/16 bytes FIFO
Programmable receiver buffer trigger level
Hardware auto-flow control (CTS and RTS)
IrDA (SIR) function
– Supports 3/16 bit duration for normal mode
RS-485 9-bit mode and direction control
UART0 supports LIN function
– LIN master/slave mode
– Programmable break generation function for transmitter
– Break detection function for receiver
Programmable baud-rate generator up to 1/16 system clock
8-bit receiver FIFO time-out detection function
Programmable transmitting data delay time between the last stop and the next start bit
Auto-Baud Rate measurement and baud rate compensation function
Break error, frame error, parity error and receive/transmit FIFO overflow detection function
Supports RS-485 mode:
– RS-485 9-bit mode
– Hardware or software enables to program nRTS pin to control RS-485 transmission direction
– nCTS, incoming data, Received Data FIFO reached threshold and RS-485 Address Match (AAD mode) wake-up function in Power-down mode.
– Hardware or software enables to program nRTS pin to control RS-485 transmission direction
Fully programmable serial-interface:
– Programmable number of data bit, 5-, 6-, 7-, 8- bit character
– Programmable parity bit, even, odd, no parity or stick parity bit generation and detection
– Programmable stop bit, 1, 1.5, or 2 stop bit generation
Supports PDMA mode
Smart Card Interface
Smart card mode
ISO 7816-3 T = 0, T = 1 compliant
EMV2000 compliant
One ISO 7816-3 port
Separates receive/transmit 4 byte entry FIFO for data payloads
Programmable transmission clock frequency
Programmable receiver buffer trigger level
Programmable guard time selection (11 ETU ~ 267 ETU)
One 24-bit timer and two 8-bit timers for Answer to Request (ATR) and waiting times processing
Supports auto direct / inverse convention function
Supports transmitter and receiver error retry and error number limiting function
Supports hardware activation sequence process, and the time
between PWR on and CLK start is configurable
Supports hardware warm reset sequence process
Supports hardware deactivation sequence process
Supports hardware auto deactivation sequence when the card removal is detected
UART mode
Full duplex, asynchronous communications
Separates receiving / transmitting 4 bytes entry FIFO for data payloads
Supports programmable baud rate generator
Supports programmable receiver buffer trigger level
Programmable transmitting data delay time between the last stop bit leaving the TX-FIFO and the de-assertion
Programmable even, odd or no parity bit generation and detection
Programmable stop bit, 1- or 2- stop bit generation
Supports Master or Slave mode operation
Master and slave mode up to 25 MHz (when chip works at VDD = 3.0 ~ 5.5V)
Supports 2-bit Transfer mode
Supports Dual and Quad I/O Transfer mode
Configurable bit length of a transaction word from 8 to 32-bit
Provides separate 8-level depth transmit and receive FIFO buffers
Supports MSB first or LSB first transfer sequence
Supports Byte Reorder function
Supports Byte or Word Suspend mode
Supports PDMA transfer
Supports 3-Wire, no slave selection signal, bi-direction interface
Supports one data channel half-duplex transfer
Supports receive-only mode
Up to 2 sets of I2C devices
Master/Slave mode
Bidirectional data transfer between masters and slaves
Multi-master bus (no central master)
7-bit and 10-bit addressing mode
Standard mode (100 kbps), Fast mode (400 kbps) and Fast mode plus (1 Mbps)
Arbitration between simultaneously transmitting masters without
corruption of serial data on the bus
Serial clock synchronization allows devices with different bit rates to communicate via one serial bus
Serial clock synchronization can be used as a handshake mechanism to suspend and resume serial transfer
Supports 14-bit time-out counter requesting the I2C interrupt if the I2C bus hangs up and timer-out counter overflows
Programmable clocks allow versatile rate control
Multiple address recognition (four slave address with mask option)
Supports setup/hold time programmable
Supports SMBus and PMBus
Multi-address Power-down wake-up function
Supports PDMA transfer
SPI Mode
Up to 2 sets of SPI controllers
Master or Slave mode operation
Configurable bit length of a transfer word from 8 to 32-bit
Provides separate 4-level of 32-bit (or 8-level of 16-bit) transmit and receive FIFO buffers which depended on SPI setting of data width
MSB first or LSB first transfer sequence
Supports byte reorder function
Byte or Word Suspend mode
Master and slave mode up to 25 MHz (VDD = 3.0V ~5.5V)
Supports one data channel half-duplex transfer
Supports receive-only mode
Supports PDMA transfer
I2S Mode
Up to 2 sets of I2S by SPI controllers
Interface with external audio CODEC
Supports Master and Slave mode
Capable of handling 8-, 16-, 24- and 32-bit word sizes
Mono and stereo audio data
PCM mode A, PCM mode B, I2S and MSB justified data format
Each provides two 4-level FIFO data buffers, one for transmitting and the other for receiving
Generates interrupt requests when buffer levels cross a programmable boundary
Each supports two PDMA requests, one for transmitting and the other for receiving
Universal Serial Control Interface (USCI)
Up to 2 sets of USCI
Supports UART, SPI and I2C function
Single byte TX and RX buffer mode
One transmit buffer and two receive buffer for data payload
Hardware auto flow control function and programmable flow control trigger level
Programmable baud-rate generator
Supports 9-bit data transfer
Baud rate detection by built-in capture event of baud rate generator
Supports Wake-up function (Data and nCTS Wakeup Only)
Supports PDMA transfer
Master or Slave mode operation
Configurable bit length of a transfer word from 4 to 16-bit
One transmit buffer and two receive buffer for data payload
MSB first or LSB first transfer sequence
Word suspend function
Supports PDMA transfer
Supports 3-wire, no slave select signal, bi-direction interface
Wake-up function: input slave select transition
Supports one data channel half-duplex transfer
Full master and slave device capability
7-bit/10-bit addressing mode
Communication in Standard mode (100 kbps), Fast mode (up to 400 kbps) and Fast mode plus (1 Mbps)
Multi-master bus
One transmit buffer and two receive buffer for data payload
10-bit bus time out capability
Supports Bus monitor mode
Wake-up by data toggle or address match in Power-down mode
Multiple address recognition
Setup/hold time programmable
Four I/O modes:
– Quasi bi-direction
– Push-Pull output
– Open-Drain output
– Input only with high impendence
TTL/Schmitt trigger input selectable
I/O pin configured as interrupt source with edge/level trigger setting
Independent pull-up/pull-down control
High driver and high sink current I/O (up to 16 mA at 5V, 25°C)
Minimum I/O Speed
– 25 MHz when VDD = 2.7 ~ 5.5 V (-40°C ~ +105°C, CL=30p, high skew rate enabled)
– 10 MHz when VDD = 1.75 ~ 5.5 V (-40°C ~ +105°C, CL=30p, high skew rate enabled)
Software selectable slew rate control
Supports wake-up function
Supports I/O de-bounce with LIRC at power down
I/O configurations of multi-function pin are controlled by module or MFOS register settings
Supports 5V tolerance except PF2, PF3, PF4 and PF5 pins
Advanced Connectivity
USB 2.0 Full Speed
Compliant with USB 2.0 Full-Speed specification
Provides 1 interrupt vector with 5 different interrupt events (SOF, NEVWK, VBUSDET, USB and BUS)
Suspend function when no bus activity exists for 3 ms
Supports 12 endpoints for configurable Control/Bulk/Interrupt/Isochronous transfer types and maximum 1024 bytes buffer size
Provides remote wake-up capability
Start of Frame (SOF) locked clock pulse generation
Supports USB 2.0 Link Power Management (LPM)
Supports Crystal-less function
Supports Battery charging 1.2 (BC1.2)