FCI connector is a type of electrical connector produced by FCI (Framatome Connectors International), a manufacturer of connectors and interconnect systems for a variety of industries, including telecommunications, consumer electronics, automotive, industrial, and aerospace.
FCI connectors are designed to provide a reliable and secure electrical connection between two devices or components. They come in a wide range of sizes and configurations to accommodate different applications and requirements, and they are commonly used in printed circuit boards (PCBs), backplanes, and other electronic systems.
Some of the key features of FCI connectors include their durability, high speed and signal integrity, low profile, and ease of installation. They are also designed to withstand harsh environments, such as high temperatures and vibrations.
FCI offers a broad portfolio of connectors, including board-to-board connectors, wire-to-board connectors, input/output (I/O) connectors, and power connectors. The company also provides a range of engineering and design services to help customers develop custom connectors and interconnect solutions for their specific needs.
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