Hittite Microwave Corporation was a semiconductor company that designed and manufactured high-performance integrated circuits (ICs), modules, and subsystems for radio frequency (RF), microwave, and millimeter-wave applications. The company was founded in 1985 and was based in Chelmsford, Massachusetts.
Hittite Microwave's products were used in various applications, including cellular infrastructure, test and measurement equipment, military and aerospace, broadband, and fiber optics. The company's product portfolio included amplifiers, mixers, switches, attenuators, synthesizers, and other RF and microwave components.
In 2014, Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI), a leading semiconductor company specializing in signal processing and analog technologies, acquired Hittite Microwave Corporation for approximately $2.45 billion. After the acquisition, Hittite Microwave became part of ADI's RF and Microwave business unit.
Today, Analog Devices, Inc. continues to provide high-performance RF and microwave products and solutions for a broad range of applications, leveraging the expertise and technologies gained through the acquisition of Hittite Microwave Corporation.
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